Episode 17

Published on:

4th Dec 2023

STRAT | Society & Supply Shocks

On this episode of STRAT, Mark Mansfield and Hal Kempfer tackle the issue of a fragmenting world order, where relative influence and leadership is shifting rapidly and framed by a US and China bilateral relationship tilting towards conflict. They look at various potential scenarios:

•           There is no scenario where the US and China become fully cooperative.

•           Most nations’ cost-benefit analysis’ support a world order where US leadership remains preferable to China or other non-aligned players.

•           The extremes of either a UNIPOLAR or BIPOLAR world – i.e., an old Cold War style scenario, will morph into a MULTIPOLAR gameboard.

•           As middle powers continually maneuver to remain relevant, a multipolar landscape creates the ‘off ramps,’ realignment options and triggers needed to dilute / balance the relative strength of both the US and China - (‘Balancers’: India, Japan, Germany, France, UK, and Canada).

•           ‘Spoiler’ status will remain with Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

In an uncertain world, with an increasingly dynamic planning environment, this is 20 minutes you don’t want to miss.

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About the Podcast

Strategic Risk Assessment Talk
STRAT – Strategic Risk Assessment Talk, is a forum with a preparedness mindset. Mitigating risks, creating systems of prevention and recovery to deal with potential threats, and understanding the objectives of a Business Continuity Plan. This is the podcast for leaders who are committed to being prepared. The program is hosted by retired Marine Corps intelligence officer and strategic risk assessment professional Hal Kempfer and investment banker Mark Mansfield.

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